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App Configuration

Submit Button

Set up the Auto-Submit function, customize the text and the action of the Submit, Save Draft, Discard Draft and the Print Submission buttons and also the message displayed after a new successful submission.

In the Design App tab, hover the cursor over the Submit and Draft buttons and click on that area on the screen. A right panel will appear where you can make edits to these buttons.

Submit Button

Submit Button

Submissions allowed on this app:

This option is enabled by default.

- Enabling this option allows the user to submit the data filled in the app.

- Disabling this option will not allow the user to submit the data filled in the app.

Submit Button Text

Customize the submit button by changing the text inside it.

‘Submit’ is the default text of the submit button.

Submit Button

Draft Buttons

Allow users to save as draft

This option is enabled by default.

- Enabling this option allows the user to save the data filled in the app so that they may fill in the details later. The saved data in the fields will be reloaded once they reopen the app.

- Disabling this option will not allow the user to save data filled in the app as drafts.

Save Draft Button Text

Customize the save draft button by changing the text inside it.

‘Save Draft’ is the default text of this button.

Discard Draft Button Text:

Customize the discard draft button by changing the text inside it.

Discard Draft is the default text of this button.

Submit Button

Buttons displayed on successful submission

Once a submission has been made, by default, it will redirect the user to a page that will say that the submission made is successful and give them the option to make another submission or to view their submissions.

Submit Button

The buttons can be enabled or disabled individually depending on your needs. Their texts can also be altered from the Design App.

Submit Button

In case you have configured a pdf for your app, and after submissions, if the users need to print their submissions directly, this option can be enabled in the ‘Design App’ tab.

Customize the print submission button by changing the text inside it.

Note: A PDF would need to be configured first for this option to show in the Design App tab. This option cannot be enabled if there is more than 1 PDF configured for an app.


Submit Button
Submit Button

Message displayed on successful submission

Customise the message that will be displayed after creating a successful submission.Field values can also be dynamically pulled here, by typing in @ followed by the field name. This now includes the unique numbering block as well (e.g., for order confirmations, ticketing systems, audit records, etc).

Default setting

Your Submission was successfully saved with Submission Id:<b><span class=“text-info”>@submissionId</span></b>

Default message that will be displayed

Input: Your Submission was successfully saved with Submission Id:<b><span class="text-info">{$submissionId}</span></b>

Submit Button

Result: Your Submission was successfully saved with Submission Id: SII26725649

‍(mobile app view)

Submit Button

Custom Message

Input: Audit has been conducted and the details are recorded successfully with Submission Id:<b><span class="text-info">{$submissionId}</span></b>

Submit Button

Result: Audit has been conducted and the details are recorded successfully with Submission Id: JIS93101431

(mobile app view)

Submit Button

Post-submission action

Set up the action of the app for the user to automatically navigate after the user creates a successful submission.

Post submission
  • None - After successful submission, the user will be displayed with the successful submission message.This is selected as default.
  • Return to App Home - After a successful submission, the user will be redirected to the app home page.
  • Redirect to App Submissions - After a successful submission, the user will be redirected to the app home page.
  • Redirect to another URL - After successful submission, the user will be redirected to a custom URL.
    Enter URL - enter the URL where you want the user to be redirected to after creating a successful submission.
Enter redirection time (in seconds)
  • Print Submission: After a successful submission, the user will be redirected to the print preview of their submission instead of manually navigating to the "Submissions" tab and clicking on the PDF icon.

    Select Print Template - A dropdown will appear, allowing the admin to choose the print template that users will be redirected to for print preview. If multiple print templates are configured, all available templates will be listed in the dropdown for selection.

    Pop-up Blocker Notification - When a user makes a submission and is redirected to the print preview, their browser may block the pop-up window if it is the first time they are submitting after this configuration. A notification will appear, as shown in the image, indicating that a pop-up has been blocked.

To allow the redirection to the print preview:

  • Click on "Manage" in the pop-up notification.
  • Select "Always allow pop-ups and redirects from [your Clappia workspace URL]".
  • Click "Done" to save the settings.

Once this is done, future submissions will automatically open the print preview without interruption.

Enter redirection time (in seconds)

Enter redirection time (in seconds)

For all the above options (except none), an additional setting called "Enter redirection time (in seconds)" is available. Admins can set a delay between 1 to 30 seconds before the redirection occurs, giving users time to review the submission confirmation message before being taken to the selected destination.

Auto-submit fields

Select a field from the list of blocks used in your Clappia app to assign the auto-submit function.

Auto-submit is allowed only for the following blocks:

  1. Code Scanner
  2. NFC Reader
  3. Ratings
  4. Camera, Image & Files
  5. Live Tracking
Submit Button


1. Code Scanner - QR Code/Barcode scanner

Select the Code Scanner block for auto-submit. Upon scanning any QR Code or Barcode, a submission is created automatically.

2. NFC Reader - Scan NFC Tags

Select the NFC Reader block for auto-submit. Upon scanning any NFC tag, a submission is created automatically.

3. Ratings - Provide rating score

Select the Ratings block for auto-submit. Upon providing a rating score, a submission is created automatically.

3. Camera, Image & Files - Click a picture and upload or upload media from the gallery.

Camera - Select the Camera, Images & Files block for auto-submit. Upon clicking the picture, a submission is created automatically.

Image & Files - Select the Camera, Images & Files block for auto-submit. Upon selecting all the images or files, a submission is created automatically.

Note: An app will auto-submit if and only if all the fields are filled.

How can I change the submission message in my Clappia app?

To customize the message displayed after a user successfully submits a form, go to the Design App tab, and hover over the Submit Button section. Click to open the configuration panel on the right side. Under Message displayed on successful submission, you can edit the default message or enter a custom message to display once a submission is completed. You can also enhance the message by including images, videos, or links to other websites, providing a richer post-submission experience for users.

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