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Creating Apps

Add Users to your App

Clappia bypasses the whole app installation package and Appstore/Playstore hosting system by taking this approach of app assignment. Simply assign this app to a set of users and they can access all apps assigned to them by logging into a common Clappia app or Clappia website. Here is a quick guide -

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Add Users to Your Workplace

It's important to add users to your workplace first. This is important in the long run to maintain your data security. A user can be removed from a Workplace and he/she loses access to all apps together.

Users can be added by navigating to Workplace Details tab on the left panel of the dashboard.

Add Users to your App

Add the email id of the users who need to be a part of one or more apps in your Workplace. This is a one time action for each user. In case the user is not a Clappia user already, he/she will receive an email with the sign up instructions and link.

Add Users to your App

You can also change the country code of the user.

Add Users to your App
Add Users to your App

Add multiple users through the invite users in bulk option

Add Users to your App
Add Users to your App

You can also invite users in bulk using only their phone numbers.

Add Users to your App

Role Assignment in Workplace Settings

To assign roles to users (Workplace Manager, Builder, or User), navigate to Workplace Settings > User Management.

  • Select the user from the list.
  • On the right panel, choose the appropriate role based on their responsibilities in the Workplace.
  • Only Workplace Managers can purchase additional User Licenses under Workplace Settings > Billing.

Assign App to the User

Go back to your app by navigating to the Dashboard icon on the left navigation. You should see your app again. Click on the app icon to open the app and then go to the Design App tab.

Go to the Distribute Tab. Click on the User Access button.

Select one or more of your Workplace users on the right panel under Users. The list will include the users that you invited to your workplace. 

Select a Role in Permissions for the selected users and click Assign.

Note: App Admin permissions can only be assigned to users with a Workplace Manager or Builder role in the Workplace. Users with a regular User role cannot be made App Admins.

Add Users to your App
Add Users to your App
Add Users to your App

The users will receive an email with the app link. Whenever the users sign up, they should see this app in the dashboard of <yourcompany> The users can access the mobile app by downloading the common Clappia app and logging in with the same email id.

Add Users to your App

User Permissions

Submitter - Can only submit and view own data

This permission allows the user to use the app to submit the data and view their own submissions only.

Full Data Access - Can submit and view all data

This permission allows the user to use the app to submit the data and view all the submissions in the app.

Full Data Admin - Can submit, view and edit all data

This permission allows the user to use the app to submit data, view all submissions and also edit all the submissions in the app. The user with this permission is called the Data Admin.

Reviewer - Can submit, view, edit and change status of all data

This permission allows the user to use the app to submit data, view data and change the status of all of the submissions.

App Admin - All permissions including edit app

This permission allows the user to submit data, view submissions, edit submissions, change the status of submissions. The user will have complete authority over the data of the app and is called as an App Admin or Admin.
Note: App Admin permissions are restricted to users with the Builder or Workplace Manager roles in the Workplace.

Custom - Based on the selection of specific permissions

Specific permissions can be granted to specific users according to the requirements. The list includes:

  1. Submit
  2. View all data
  3. Edit all data
  4. Review
  5. Edit App
  6. Can bulk upload
  7. Can view Analytics
  8. Can delete data

Add Users to App Via Excel upload

In case the Workplace has a lot of users, you can add users to your apps by uploading an Excel file. The Excel file will contain the email Id of the users along with their permissions in the apps.

You will find the option to upload the Excel file in the Configuration tab itself.

Add Users to your App
Add Users to your App
Add Users to your App

You will get a blank Excel file with only the Header. Download the file and add the user email addresses and their permissions in the Excel file and upload the file.

Add Users to your App

In case you modified the header accidentally, it will be rejected and you will get a message like the following -

Add Users to your App

As the upload progresses, you will get the statistics showing how many records succeeded and how many failed. You will also get a list of the failed records in another Excel file.

Add Users to your App

The failed records file will look like the following -

Add Users to your App

Possible Errors:

  1. Column names are incorrect: This might happen if you accidentally changed the Header row of the Excel file.
  2. Invalid permission: The permission columns should contain only "yes" or "no". Any other value or empty value will result in rejection of that record.
  3. User is not a member of this workplace: You need to ensure that the email address is already added to the Workplace. If not, then you need to get the user added to the Workplace first.

Allowing Users to Create Apps

To allow a user to create apps, assign them the Builder role in Workplace Settings. Assigning the Builder role enables app creation while maintaining control over who can build or modify apps within the Workplace.

Prevent Users from Creating Apps in Workplace

Users who have been given access to your apps will not be able to create or modify apps in the workplace if they have the role as “User” designated to them in Workplace Settings. Only those with a Builder or Workplace Manager role can create apps.

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