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Workplace Management


Workplace admins can create and manage groups to organize users within a workplace. For example, if a company operates in multiple locations, groups can be created for each location (e.g., Location 1, Location 2, etc.) to manage app access and submissions efficiently.

Apps are currently independent of groups, users of different groups can be assigned the same app. However, to view submissions, it is group specific.

How to Create a Group

Navigate to Workplace Settings > Preferences > Groups.

How to Create a Group

Enter a group name in the Group Name field.

Click Create Group.

How to Create a Group

By default, the workplace name is listed as a group.

How to Create a Group

Assigning Users to Groups

Go to Workplace Settings > Users.

Assigning Users to Groups

Select the user you want to assign to a group.

In the right panel, under the Advanced section, select Assign Group.

Assigning Users to Groups

Choose the appropriate group(s) for the user.

Assigning Users to Groups
Assigning Users to Groups

A user can be assigned to multiple groups if required.

Viewing Submissions by Group

  • When apps are assigned to users in specific groups, the submissions they make are associated with their group.
  • Users can view submissions only from their assigned groups, even if they have Admin permissions for the app.
  • Example: A user in Group A can only see submissions from users in Group A and not from Group B.

Important Notes

  1. A user can be part of multiple groups at the same time.
  2. If a user is reassigned from Group A to Group B, they will no longer see submissions made while they were part of Group A. Their new submissions will now belong to Group B.
  3. Groups cannot be renamed or deleted. If changes are needed, please raise a support request.

By setting up groups, admins can ensure that submissions and app access are managed seamlessly based on locations, departments, or other organizational structures.

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