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Workplace Management

Delete Account

This article guides you through the process of deleting your Clappia account.

1.   Deleting an Account


Sign in to your Clappia dashboard. Click on the Profile button on the bottom left corner.

Delete Account

Delete Account

Select the 'Delete Account' option and a right panel appears. Type 'delete account' as mentioned and click on delete.

Delete Account

Delete Account Confirmation

A message is displayed on the top of your dashboard saying, 'Request for account deletion has been submitted. You will receive an email confirmation shortly.'

Delete Account


Once the Clappia account is deleted, the user will be logged out from all devices and won't be able to login with the same credentials again.

Important Notes before you delete your Clappia account:

  • Any Clappia user can be able to delete their Clappia account only when they are not a part of one or more workplaces.
  • If the user is added to other workplace, user needs to request the admin to remove them from that workplace.
  • If the user is the admin, they have to delete the workplace first and then delete their account.
Delete Account

2.   Deleting the Workplace

Workplace Details

Sign in to your Clappia dashboard. Select ‘Workplace Details’ from the vertical menu on the left side.

Delete Account

Delete Workplace

In the workplace details select the 'Preferences' tab. Click on the 'Delete Workplace' option. Type 'delete workplace' text as mentioned and click on delete.

Delete Account

Delete Workplace Confirmation

You are redirected to your Clappia dashboard and a message on the top right is displayed on the dashboard, ‘Workplace deletion request submitted successfully. You will get an email confirmation when the deletion is complete'.

Delete Account

Email Confirmation

You will also receive two emails regarding the deletion of the workplace to the email ID with which you signed up on Clappia.

  1. An email saying the process of deletion is underway. You can reply to the same email within 24 hours of submitting the deletion request in case you don’t want to continue the deletion of that workplace.
Delete Account
  1. An email confirming the deletion of the workplace will be sent once the workplace is deleted.
Delete Account


1. Workplace deletion takes up to 24 hours. If the user changes their mind, the user can send an email and request to stop the workplace deletion by replying on the email.

2. Once the workplace is deleted, the apps in the workplace and all the submissions in those apps cannot be accessed anywhere - web/mobile.

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