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Creating Apps

Create Apps From Google Forms

Creating apps in Clappia using Google Forms is a convenient way to transform existing Google Forms into fully functional no-code applications. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, from connecting your Google account to customizing your newly created app.

Step 1: Access Clappia Dashboard

Access Clappia Dashboard

Log in to your Clappia dashboard and click on the More option in the left panel. From the dropdown, select Create App from Google Forms.

Step 2: Connect to Google

Connect to Google

A right panel will appear, prompting you to connect to your Google account. Click on Connect to Google. A pop-up window will appear.

Connect to Google

Select the Google account that contains your Google Forms.

Select the Google account that contains your Google Forms.

Grant the necessary permissions to Clappia by clicking on Continue.

Once this is done, Clappia will be connected to your Google account.

Step 3: Enter Google Forms URL or ID

Enter Google Forms URL or ID

After connecting to Google, you will see a field to enter the Google Forms URL or ID. Go to your Google forms.

copy the Google Forms URL or ID

Copy the URL of your Google Form or extract its unique ID.

Paste it into the provided field. Click on Enter to create the app.

Paste it into the provided field. Click on Enter to create the app.

Step 4: App Creation and Automatic Field Mapping

App Creation and Automatic Field Mapping

Once the Google Form is linked, Clappia will instantly create an app based on its structure.

  • The name of the Google Form will be used as the app name.
  • The description of the Google Form will be carried over as the app description.
  • All fields from the Google Form will automatically appear as corresponding fields in Clappia.

Google Forms to Clappia Field Mapping

The following table shows how Google Forms fields are converted into Clappia fields:

Google Forms Field TypeClappia Field Type
Short AnswerSingle-line Text
ParagraphMulti-line Text
DateDate Selector
TimeTime Selector
Multiple ChoiceMultiple Selector
CheckboxesMultiple Selector
File uploadCamera, Image & Files

Step 5: Customize Your App

After the app is created, you can go to the Design App tab to modify its structure.

  • Add or Remove Fields: Click on Add Field to insert new fields or delete unnecessary ones.
  • Modify Field Properties: Click on any field to change its type, label, or other properties in the right-hand panel.
  • Adjust App Flow: Configure additional settings such as workflows, permissions, and logic blocks to enhance your app’s functionality.

Once customized, your app is ready to use, and users can access it on the web or through the Clappia mobile app.


Any changes made to the original Google Form after the app has been created will not be reflected in the Clappia app. If you want to include updates from your Google Form, you will need to create a new app using the updated form.

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