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Clappia public APIs

Clappia provides RESTful APIs that allow you to send data directly to your Clappia apps using HTTP POST requests with a JSON payload. These APIs enable seamless integration between Clappia and other external systems, automating processes and enhancing data flow.

With public APIs, you can:

  • Submit data to Clappia apps programmatically.
  • Automate data entry and workflows.
  • Integrate external applications and services with Clappia.

Generating an API Key for Your Workplace

To use the public APIs, you need an API key specific to your workplace. The API key acts as an authentication token to ensure secure interaction with the APIs.

Steps to Generate an API Key

Clappia public APIs

Go to Workplace Settings > Preferences tab > Select API Keys.

Click on Generate API Key. A unique API key for your workplace will be created.

Once generated, you will see:

Clappia public APIs
  1. API Key: A long alphanumeric string.
  2. Usage for the Current Month: Displays the number of requests made using this API key.
  3. Quota: Shows the monthly request limit (e.g., 1000 requests/month).

Important Notes:

  • Copy the API key and store it securely. If exposed, anyone with the key can interact with your Clappia apps.
  • Avoid sharing the API key publicly.

Example Use Case: Submitting Employee Records

Here’s an example of how you can use the public APIs to push data into a Clappia app.

Let’s say you have an employee management app in Clappia and want to push new employee records from your internal HR system.

In the screenshots below, we are pushing data to an app named "Employee Master" through the REST Api. At the end you'll find the submission in the same Clappia app.

Clappia public APIs


  1. Generate the API Key in Workplace Settings following the steps above.
  2. Get your workplace ID within Workplace Settings itself. When no option is selected, on the right panel, you will have general workplace information displayed.
Clappia public APIs
  1. Identify the App ID of your Clappia app. You can find this in the app URL after "app/".
Clappia public APIs
  1. Identify the unique field names of the app fields in your Clappia app where the data should be inserted.
Clappia public APIs

API Request (POST):

The JSON payload can be used in tools like Postman for testing API requests or in custom scripts (e.g., Python, JavaScript) for automation. It’s typically used by your team’s developers or IT team when integrating external systems with Clappia.


  "appId": "<your-app-id>",

  "workplaceId": "<your-workplace-id>",

  "requestingUserEmailAddress": "",

  "data": {

    "employee_i": "EMP001",

    "employee_n": "John Doe",

    "address": "123 Main Street, City, Country",

    "date_of_jo": "2024-01-15"


Add in your workplace api key where requested.

API Endpoint:

When you send this request, the data will be pushed into the Clappia app as a new submission.

Clappia public APIs

Increasing API Request Limits

If you need a higher API request quota:

Clappia public APIs

Click on Request Limit Increase.

In the Request API Limit Increase form:

Clappia public APIs
  1. Explain Your Use Case in Detail: Describe why you need an increase.
  2. Limit Required: Specify the desired request limit.
  3. The API Key field will auto-fill with your current key.
  4. Click Submit.

You will receive a confirmation, and Clappia will review your request.

FAQs Section

  1. What is an API key?some text
    • An API key is a unique identifier used for authenticating API requests to your Clappia workplace.
  2. What happens if I exceed the API request limit?some text
    • You will receive a "Quota Exceeded" error, and further requests will be blocked until the next billing cycle or until your limit is increased.
  3. Can I regenerate an API key?some text
    • No, you cannot regenerate an API key.
  4. How do I find the app ID for my app?some text
    • Go to the app in Clappia and check the URL. The app ID will be part of the URL after "app/".

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