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Workplace Management

User Attributes

When a workplace is created and users are assigned to the workplace, details of the users are captured in Workplace settings such as name, email, phone number, active user, etc.

With User attributes, you can create additional custom fields such as Team, Role, Manager, Date of Birth, Date of Joining etc and assign these attributes to their users.

Example: Let’s say you are creating an employee management system in clappia. In the workplace settings, you might want to see more than just the employee name, email and number. Let’s say you would like to see their department and manager assigned to them.

Once you have signed up to Clappia, a workplace is created where you can create apps and assign the apps to your employees to use. When apps are assigned to the employees, they are also assigned to the workplace. You can also assign the workplace to them separately. Click here to know how.

Existing Users

In your workplace, on the left panel, click on Workplace Settings.

Under Users section, you will see all the user attributes.

User Attributes

You can add more attributes to make this more comprehensive.

Click on User Attributes, and a right panel will appear.

User Attributes

Click on Create New Attribute.

User Attributes
User Attributes
User Attributes
User Attributes

Attribute Name

Give a name to the attribute you want to add to the user table.

Attribute Type

There are three options to select from; custom list, date, and user list.

Custom List

Select this option if you want to give your own list of options to choose from.


This appears once ‘custom list’ is selected. Here you can mention the options you wish to select.


Select this option to add a date.

User List

Select this option to show a list of all the users assigned to the app, and make a selection from it.

Once an attribute is saved, you should get a message that says ‘Attribute created successfully’.

You can add additional attributes by clicking on Create New Attribute again.

You can edit each attribute after.

You can delete any attributes you have added. You will get a message that says ‘'Attribute deleted successfully’.


Adding a “Department” coloumn;

Attribute Name: Give a name to the attribute such as Department.

Attribute Type: Select Custom List

Options: Here you will have to list out all the options related to “Department” such as IT, Finance, Sales & Marketing. Make sure you list them one after the other ensuring no spaces after each option.

User Attributes

Once you click on Save, an attribute named department will be added.

User Attributes

To assign the departments to each user, simply click on a user row, and in the right panel, User Details will appear where you can make adjustments to the profile.

User Attributes

In this panel you can assign the department the employee is associated with.

User Attributes

Click on Assign. The user’s row will be updated with the department.

User Attributes
User Attributes

Adding a “Date of Joining” column;

Click on Create New Attribute.

Attribute Name: Give a name to the attribute such as Date of Joining.

Attribute Type: Select Date.

User Attributes

To assign the date of joining to each user, click on a user row, and in the right panel, make the adjustments in User Details.

User Attributes

Select the date of joining, and click on Assign.

User Attributes

The user’s row will be updated with the date of joining.

User Attributes

Adding “Manager” column;

Click on Create New Attribute.

Attribute Name: Give a name to the attribute such as Manager.

Attribute Type: Select User List.

User Attributes

To assign the date of joining to each user, click on a user row, and in the right panel, make the adjustments in User Details.

User Attributes

When you click on the ‘Manager’ attribute, you will automatically get the list of all the users in the workplace that exist.

User Attributes

Select the user who will be assigned as the manager for the user, and click on Assign.

The user’s row will be updated with their assigned Manager.

User Attributes

Adding a New User

In Workplace Setting (on the left panel) -> Users -> Invite User.

Click here to know how to add a new user to your workplace.

You will be able to add attributes to each new user added to the workplace.

User Attributes

Bulk Uploading Attributes to Users

If you have many users to assign attributes then you can do this in one go by bulk uploading the data.

In Workplace Setting (on the left panel) -> Users -> Invite Users in Bulk.

Click here to know how to add new users to your workplace.

User Attributes

In case there are too many users with different attributes to set, click on 1-10k users.

User Attributes

Click on download this blank spreadsheet.

In the downloaded sheet, you can add the users with their corresponding attributes.

User Attributes

Editing Attributes

Click on the pencil icon next to each of the attributes to modify them.

User Attributes

Deleting Attributes

Click on the icon next to the attribute name to permanently delete the attribute from the user table.

User Attributes

Using Attributes in Apps

These attributes listed in workplace settings can be used in apps. They appear as variables which can be used in formulas or display conditions of fields or sections in the app.

Example: Let’s say there is a Project Inspections app created in the workplace which has been assigned to multiple field employees from various departments. There are certain sections that need to be displayed to field employees such as the section named ‘Electrical Safety’ will be viewed by those in the “Safety” Department while the section named ‘Hazard’ will be checked by those in the “Maintenance” Department. Meanwhile a ‘Verification’ section should be seen only by the manager.

User Attributes
User Attributes
User Attributes
User Attributes

Here we can make use of the attributes’ variables as display conditions.

User Attributes
User Attributes

Using Attributes in Workflows

The attributes added in the workplace can also be used in workflows, similar to how it is used in apps.

Example: For every submission made by a user, an email has to be sent to that user’s manager.
Go to Design App > Workflow > Start > Email node

Configure the Email node on the right panel. Under email address, instead of normally typing in the email address of the manager, which would be ineffective as there could be many users with different managers, here you can make use of attributes if you have added a column for ‘Managers’ in workplace settings. Check User List above to see the configuration for it.

Type in ‘@’ and ‘user’ or ‘currentuser’ to get the list of user attributes. Select the one for manager email. You will have to ensure that their email address is listed in workplace settings in order to get this information.

Using Attributes in workflow

Using Attributes in Dashboard Design

Attributes added in the workplace can be used to display certain design elements such as images or videos to certain users on the dashboard when they sign in.

Example: Notices put up on the dashboard can be viewed by certain users of a particular department.

On the left panel of the dashboard, click on More > Dashboard Design > Add Element.

On the right panel that appears, under ‘Display Condition’, you can set which users are able to view the element on the dashboard.

Using Attributes in dashboard design

Using Attributes in dashboard design

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