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How to put conditions with Multiple selections in checkbox

If you are using selectors or checkboxes, you can display sections based on the selections made in the selectors. There are two ways to go about this. Either you can have a singular section displayed based on single options selected or you can display multiple sections if many options are selected.

In this help guide, you will see how to display sections for multiple selections. For single selections, you can refer to this guide.

Example: Here is an example of an Inspections app. It has multiple sections which need to be displayed when the option in the checkbox is selected.

Conditions With Multiple Selections

In App Home, without giving any conditions, it will display every section with their corresponding fields.

Conditions With Multiple Selections

However, with conditions, you can get the sections with their corresponding fields to be displayed when selected.

Conditions With Multiple Selections
Conditions With Multiple Selections

In Design App, where you create/edit the app interface, a multiple selector block is used to display all the options. Here, the section names are listed as the options.

Conditions With Multiple Selections

Using SEARCH formula

For each of the sections, you will have to give conditions. For example, taking the ‘Electrical Safety’ section, click on the section and go to the Advanced tab on the right panel. Under ‘display this section if’, you will be able to give formulas similar to spreadsheets. Since multiple sections would be selected and needs to be displayed, 

you can give the formula: SEARCH("Electrical Safety",{sel})>0 

where “Electrical Safety” is the section name and {sel} is the variable name of the multiple selector block.

Conditions With Multiple Selections

Do this for every section. Here in this example, for the ‘General’ section, the formula will be: SEARCH("General",{sel})>0  and for the ‘Hazard’ section, the formula is: SEARCH("Hazard",{sel})>0 .

Conditions With Multiple Selections
Conditions With Multiple Selections

In App Home, the selection of ‘Electrical Safety’ and ‘Hazard’ sections in the multiple selector will display them both in the app while the ‘General’ section is not displayed as it is not selected.

Conditions With Multiple Selections

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