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Workplace Management

Workplace Settings

Workplace Admins can configure multiple settings for their Workplaces like notification preferences, SMTP settings, Date/Time settings etc.

In your Clappia dashboard, go to the workplace settings by clicking on the Workplace Details from the left navigation menu.

Clappia Workplace Settings

Workplace Info

In the Workplace Details, go to the Preferences tab. Workplace info will be displayed on the right panel.

You can setup the details of your digital workplace such as name of the workplace, address of your company, country where the company is located and the email address of the company.

Clappia Workplace Settings

Edit Logo

You can add the logo of your company in this tab.

Clappia Workplace Settings

Notification Settings

This tab is used to turn ON or OFF Email and Mobile app notifications for all apps and all users of the Workplace.

Note: These settings apply only to the standard submission and status change notifications generated by Clappia.

Emails and mobile notifications generated by using Workflows are not covered by these settings.

Clappia Workplace Settings

SMTP Settings

Emails generated using Clappia Workflows are sent from using Clappia's SMTP server. These emails can be configured to use a company's own SMTP server. We just need to specify the SMTP hostname (e.g., port (e.g. 465), SMTP username (e.g. and password.

Clappia Workplace Settings

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Additional notes for SMTP with Google Accounts

If you are trying to use your Google Account for configuring SMTP Settings, you might be getting errors like Invalid login: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. This means that the Google Account doesn't allow using your raw password for sending emails. In this case, you need to generate a Custom App Password for your account. You can follow the steps below for this -

  • Visit your Google Account and go to Security -> 2-Step Verification.
  • If 2-Step verification is not turned ON, you need to turn in ON.
  • At the bottom of the page, you will find an option App Passwords. Click on that option.
  • Select Other (Custom Name) in the App Name.

Clappia Workplace Settings
  • Give a custom name and click on Generate.
Clappia Workplace Settings
  • You will get an auto-generated password. Copy this password and paste it in the Workplace Settings of your Clappia Workplace.
Clappia Workplace Settings


You can use these settings to configure your own WhatsApp Business Number to send WhatsApp messages using Clappia WhatsApp Workflows. Read more about the WhatsApp Workflows here.

Clappia Workplace Settings

Once you enable the option "Configure WhatsApp Number", you will get an option to enter the Phone Number Id and Auth Token. You can get both these values from your account. For more details on these, you can check this guide.

Clappia Workplace Settings


You can setup the format of the date and time in your workplace.

Clappia Workplace Settings


You can create separate groups for users of your workplace.

Clappia Workplace Settings

API Keys

You can generate unique API Keys for your Workplace. These API Keys can be used to call the public APIs of Clappia such as createSubmission, editSubmission, updateSubmissionStatus etc. You can get more details about the APIs and their signatures at

Clappia Workplace Settings

When you create your Workplace, there will not be any API Keys for the Workplace. You can generate a new key by clicking on "Generate API Key".

Clappia Workplace Settings

Once the key is generated, there is a default usage limit assigned on the key per month. This is initially set to 100 per month. You can raise a request to increase it. Also, you will be able to check the usage of the key in the current month.

Clappia Workplace Settings

Other Settings

Clappia Workplace Settings

Delete Workplace

You can submit a request to delete the workplace by simply selecting the option of delete workplace, type delete workplace and click on the Delete button.

Clappia Workplace Settings

Login required to view the Workplace apps

If some apps of the Workplace are made public using Link Sharing, those apps are accessible to users without signing up on Clappia on links such as https://<companyname> But in case, there are many such public apps in the Workplace, it might be difficult to share all these different URLs with external users. For such workplaces, this option can be turned off, so that all public apps of the Workplace can be accessed at https://<companyname>

Disable bulk data operations for Non-App-Admins

This setting covers all bulk data operations like Download Excel, Upload Excel, Connect to Google Sheets. By turning ON this option, only App Admins can do these bulk operations. This setting might be helpful in case the Workplace Admins and App admins don't want their employees to access any data outside Clappia (Excel sheets or Google Sheets)

Navigation Options for Non-Workplace-Admins

By default, all Workplace users can create apps, visit Clappia app marketplace, contact Clappia customer support. These options can be turned OFF in case the Workplace Admins don't want their employees to do that.

Time Zone

This will set the Time Zone for the Workplace. It will be used while handling date and time values in Google Sheets, Excel data download/upload, dynamic print and workflows.

This setting assumes that all data uploaded by all the Workplace users is in the configured Time Zone.  

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