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NFC Reader

This article explains the features of the NFC Reader block and how it can be used to design your app.

NFC Reader

Use Cases

1. Updating Product details in the Inventory.

2. Marking Attendance (Check-in and Check-out).

3. Company asset allocation to employee.

4. Get equipment information during Audits and Inspections.

5. Field Marketing and Sales.

Editing the Block

Click on the block and configure it by editing on the right panel.

NFC Reader

NFC Reader


The label is the name of the block that the end user sees in the app.

Example: Scan Product Details. 


The description is the additional information provided to the end user which will be displayed below the input area.

Example: Tap on the NFC Tag of the Product.

This is how the NFC Reader block with the label and the description will look to the end user.

NFC Reader


Enable this option if you want the user to compulsorily input the data. If enabled, the end user can submit if and only if the data is entered in this field.

Show advanced options

Enable this option to show the advanced options to configure the NFC Reader block.

Allow user to input manually

Enabling this option will allow the end-user to manually fill the data in this field.

Display this field if

Use this if you want to show or hide a field under certain conditions. It accepts the standard Clappia Formulae, similar to conditional sections.

  1. You can type ‘@’ to get a list of all the variables in the app and select variables.
  2. Using these variables you can write Excel-like formulae.
NFC Reader

Allow value to be changed after initial submission

This option is enabled by default. Disable it if you don't want the users to edit this field's value once they create a submission.

For example, if a new submission has been created in an Inventory App, you might not want the customer name to be edited by anyone after the submission is created.

You can also write a formula here to conditionally allow editing the field after submission. For example, in the same Inventory app, the Supplier email field should be editable only if the status is not equal to CONFIRMED or if the user is an admin user. Below is the formula for this use case:

OR(@status<>“CONFIRMED”, @currentUserEmail=“”)

Pull Details from other Clappia App

Enable this option to fetch data from other Clappia app after the NFC Reader reads and processes the information.  The other Clappia app will act as a source app from where the data is being pulled.

NFC Reader

Data Source App

Select the source app from where you want the data to be pulled into this app.

NFC Reader

Selection Fields

These are the fields that you need to show to the end users so that they can identify the item to be selected. For example, the app designer is setting Product Name as selection field. The data in this field will be the Product Name fetched from the selected source app.

NFC Reader

Pulled Fields based on the selection

These are the fields that will be fetched from the selected source app. In this example the app designer is selecting Product ID and Product Price to be fetched.

NFC Reader

Allow users to see all records in the source app

Enabling this option will allow the end-users to pull all the records from the source app. Disable this option if you want the users to pull only those records for which they have the necessary permissions.

Important Notes

  1. As of now, the NFC Reader data block is supported only on the Android version.
  2. NFC Reader will work only on smartphones with NFC. If the smartphone supports NFC make sure it is enabled.
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