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Data Upload Blocks

GPS Location

This article explains the GPS Location block that can be added as a block to design an app.

 GPS Location

Use Cases

  1. Getting the current GPS location of a user
  2. Incidence reporting
  3. Asset Management
  4. Field reporting

Editing the Block

Click on the block and start editing on the panel that appears on the right side.

 GPS Location


This is what appears as the name of the GPS block to the end-user.

 GPS Location


This is the text that goes below the GPS block to help the user.


Tick this option if you want the user to compulsorily input the GPS location.

Advanced Option

Enable this option to show the advanced options to configure the counter block.

 GPS Location

Default to Current Location

By default, this option is turned on. If kept on, the GPS Location will be auto-filled when the user loads the Clappia App.

Allow user to manually change location

By default, GPS location editing is not allowed to be changed by the user. If you want the users to modify their current location, enable this option.

Enable Map View

Use this option if you want to see location captured displayed on a map.

‍Enable Geofencing

Use this option to allow users to submit only when they are at one of the designated locations. You can specify a list of designated locations and a radius to define the Geofencing boundary.

 GPS Location

Designated Locations

A list of locations defined in the form of "Latitude,Longitude" separated by a new line. It can also contain other GPS variables from the app.

Radius (in metres)

The maximum aerial distance where the user can be present from one the designated locations.

 GPS Location

Help video

Can I automatically get the location of the users at a regular interval?

No, this is a privacy issue for the end-user. That's why we don't provide this feature. Also, continuous GPS polling impacts battery usage heavily.

Can users submit their location only at specified areas

Yes, you can restrict form submissions to a specific location using the 'Geofencing' feature of the GPS Location Block. It allows you to define geographical boundaries within which the form can be submitted. Find out more about setting up this feature in the Help Guide article on Geofenced Location-Based Submission.

Can GPS location be captured with no internet connection?

Yes, you will be able to capture GPS locations even without an internet connection. Once the connectivity is back, the data gets synced automatically and you will be able to see the location in your Submissions tab.

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