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Allow value to be changed after initial submission

This feature allows the users to edit the data after creating a submission.

Allow value to be changed after initial submission


If you do not want the end users to edit the details of the submission then disable this option.

Use Case: This will be helpful during surveys and customer visits when you do not want the end-user or anyone to edit the details such as customer name, email, address, etc.

Allow value to be changed after initial submission


If you want the end user to edit the details of the submission then enable this option.

Use Case: This will be helpful when any detail has been incorrectly entered and submitted. You can also conditionally allow editing the submission such that if the user is the admin then they can edit the submission or else they cannot.

Allow value to be changed after initial submission


This is a submission that has an incorrect email ID and the user wants to edit it by entering the correct email ID.

Click on View Submissions. Click on the submission.

Allow value to be changed after initial submission

You can see that Email ID is not editable whereas the Feedback is editable.

Allow value to be changed after initial submission

You will get the message that the submission has been changed.

Allow value to be changed after initial submission


The end user or anyone can edit and change the details of the submission if and only if the app admin has enabled it. 

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