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App Versions

Clappia’s version settings feature allows app admins to create, test, and manage multiple versions of an app without impacting the live version used by end-users. This is particularly useful when you want to test updates or make modifications without disrupting the current app in use.

App Versions

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Testing New Workflows: Safely test new approval processes, automation, or workflow configurations in a version without affecting the live app.

Compliance Updates: When regulations or requirements change, create a new version to add or modify compliance checks while ensuring the current version remains usable for ongoing submissions.

Design Changes: Experiment with new UI designs or section layouts in a version before rolling them out to users.

Quarterly Audits: Create a new version for each quarter (e.g., Q2, Q3) with updated fields or sections while keeping the previous quarter's data intact.

Creating a New App Version

Log into your Clappia dashboard and select the app you want to create a new version for.

Once you’ve opened your app, go to Design App > Distribute > Version Settings.

On the right-hand panel you’ll see the current live version, labeled as the Initial Version.

App Versions

To Create a new version of the app:

App Versions
  • Click on Create New Version.
  • Name the new version (e.g., “Q2 Audit” for the second quarter of an audit app or just “Version 1”, etc.).
  • Under Source App Version, select the version you want to base the new version on (for the first new version it will be the Initial Version, for other subsequent versions it can be any previously created version or the Initial Version).
  • Click Save.

This creates a new version of the app that can be edited without affecting the live version.

Switching Between Versions

App Versions

Once you have multiple versions of an app, you will see a version selector dropdown at the top of the page. This allows app admins to switch between versions for editing or testing purposes.

Editing a Version

App Versions
App Versions

To make changes to a specific version, select that version from the dropdown and proceed with the necessary edits in the Design App section. Changes made in one version do not impact other versions, including the live version.

You can make changes in the new versions which will reflect:
Design app: add or delete fields, sections, change configurations.
Configurations: Add statuses or PDFs relevant for new versions.
Workflows: Add or delete workflow nodes and configurations.
Charts & Automated Reports: Add or delete charts and automated reports for specific versions. However, only the live version’s automated reports will be sent as per configuration.

Changes in a new version will not be reflected in the live app unless that version is made live.

App Versions

Testing Submissions

App Versions
App Versions

You can also test submissions in different versions. Go to App Home and select the version to test from the version selector dropdown and make a submission. The submission will contain all the fields added to the new version. This will not reflect on the apps for other users if the version you are testing is selected but not live.

Making a Version Live

App Versions
App Versions

If you want to make a different version live (for example, after testing or making updates):

Go back to the Version Settings in the Distribute tab.

In the Live Version dropdown, select the version you want to set as live.

Click Save to confirm.

Only one version can be live at a time, and end-users will only interact with the live version.

Submissions in Different Versions

App Admins

As an app admin, you can view and interact with different app versions. Each version’s submissions are independent, so you can make submissions and test changes without affecting the live version. However, use of different versions by app admins can only be done through the web app and not the mobile app.

End Users

End users will only interact with the live version of the app, meaning their submissions are tied to that version alone. They will not see or interact with other versions unless you make them live.

Deleting App Versions

If you no longer need a particular version, you can delete it. Go to Design App > Distribute > Version Settings.

Click the Delete icon next to the version you want to remove.

Confirm the deletion by typing the requested confirmation text.

App Versions
App Versions
App Versions
App Versions

You cannot delete the live version. If you want to delete the live version, you will first need to switch to a different live version.

If an app version is deleted, all fields unique to that version will also be removed. In the Submissions tab, submissions will still be visible, but any fields specific to the deleted version will no longer appear. If the submission contains fields shared with the source version, those inputs will remain. However, if the version had entirely different fields, none of those will be retained in the submission.


  • Only app admins will be able to create multiple versions of an app and will be able to switch the live app to any version created.
  • Switching to different versions does not affect the live version for end users unless a new version is made live.
  • New versions can be tested only on the web app currently. Once made live, the new version will also be reflected on the mobile app.
  • Mobile apps will only work on live versions.
  • Versions can have any sources. For example, if version 1 is created then version 2 can be sourced from version 1 instead of the initial version.
  • For Google Drive or Database integrations, only the fields from the live version of the app will be reflected. Fields added in a new version will not appear unless that version is made live. Additionally, if submissions are made in a non-live version, any fields specific to that version will not be included in the Google Sheet or Database. Once a different version is made live, the integrations need to be re-enabled.
  • Any changes made to the initial version after a new version is created will not affect that version. Versions created from the initial version will only include the state of the app as it was at the time they were created.
  • Users added to the app will not change irrespective of the version.
  • You can create up to 10 versions of an app.

Features that will remain unchanged

App Info

App Icon

Google Drive Settings

DB Integration

Default App View

App Users

App roles


Workflow logs



Features that will change with versions

(Version Specific Resources)

Print Settings

App status




App structure

Data View

Button settings

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