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Many lending businesses involve their employees, more commonly the field collection executives, to head out for collections, whether it is for gathering borrower details, verifying documents, or ensuring compliance. For such operations, a robust collection management system would significantly streamline these processes. Clappia’s no-code platform offers a dynamic solution to create customized field data collection apps tailored to the unique needs of lending businesses. By integrating multiple features to create apps like loan origination, delinquency management, or automated credit scoring, you get a holistic lending management system. Let's delve into how Clappia can lend a hand in field data collection and enhance your business operations.

Field Data Collection

Understanding Field Data Collection

Field data collection in the lending industry involves gathering essential information from various locations, by field agents. With traditional methods, such as paper forms or manual data entry into spreadsheets, it is often inefficient and error-prone especially when there are a lot of procedures involved in transference of such data. A field agent would have to go out in the field, record the collections or other relevant data, come back, manually enter them into the system, set up another system for reminders, follow up for approvals and reminders etc. With Clappia, you can build efficient, customized apps that simplify these tasks, automate it and provide real-time insights.

What is the Collection Process in Lending Businesses?

There are different stages of collections and these stages are important to know for optimizing your business and improving its efficiency.

The Different Stages in Collections can be:

Customer Onboarding: where you capture customer details and set up their profiles in the system. Automated KYC (Know Your Customer) checks can be done here.

Payment Reminders: where you send automated reminders to customers for upcoming payments.

Field Visits: for scheduling and managing field visits for collections by the field agents.

Follow-up Actions: where there are automated follow-up actions based on the field visit outcomes. Having a delinquency management system can ensure timely follow-ups.

Debt Recovery: the final stages of recovering the loan amount through various means. Real-time fraud detection mechanisms can also be integrated during this stage to ensure data integrity.

Field Data Collection
Here is a detailed breakdown:

Initial Contact: Field agents initiate contact with borrowers to gather preliminary information. This can include personal details, financial information, and initial document verification. Field agents can use apps that could be customizable forms, made in Clappia, to record this data accurately. Integrating e-signature capabilities can further streamline this process.

Data Collection: Agents collect detailed data using these customisable forms, which can include multiple types of fields to capture various information. This stage may involve filling out forms, taking photographs, and scanning documents. Clappia’s mobile app also has offline functionality that ensures that data can be collected even in remote locations with no internet connection. Including creditworthiness assessments and collateral verification within these forms can provide comprehensive data collection.

Verification: Collected data is verified in real-time using features such as GPS tracking, photo uploads or even using the AI feature in Clappia. For example, GPS data can confirm the location of a property or borrower, photos provide visual evidence of conditions or documents and the AI feature can check for crucial information. Real-time fraud detection mechanisms can also be integrated during this stage to ensure data integrity.

Data Integration: Once the loan data is collected, it is seamlessly integrated into the central system of Clappia using automated workflows. This ensures that all information is accurately recorded and easily accessible for further processing and analysis. Integration of delinquency management systems can ensure timely follow-ups.

Reporting and Analysis: Clappia’s analytics dashboard allows for real-time reporting and analysis. You can generate detailed reports to gain insights from the collected data, identify trends, and make informed decisions. This includes generating reports for loan performance analysis, portfolio risk assessment, etc.

Why Opt for Clappia for Your Field Data Collection?

Field Data Collection

Since there can be a lot of manual errors during field operations, Clappia offers a platform where you can simply create apps that eliminate manual errors and transfer of data that wastes a lot of time and resources. The use of automated loan servicing and integrated credit management systems reduces the chances of errors and improves efficiency. You do not need to worry about taking too long to create such apps either, as Clappia is a no-code platform that outrightly provides customisable fields for you to build your own app. You do not need any coding knowledge and with all the resources at your disposal, it does not take much time to build one.

Not only is it used for data collection, you can further automate the app to include your unique business process requirements such as including an approval hierarchy and process flow, or setting reminders based on dates captured in the app or even tracking field collection executives for safety reasons. Additionally, you can get automated reports, dashboards and PDFs from all the ongoing loans. The inclusion of loan amortization schedules and payment tracking features can enhance the overall utility of your system, providing comprehensive tools for managing loan repayments and tracking borrower performance as well and much more.

Key Features of Clappia for Field Data Collection

Field Data Collection
  1. Real-time GPS Location Capture: Capturing the GPS location of field agents ensures accurate data on their whereabouts during visits and view it in Google map view.
  2. Camera-enabled Photos: Field agents can take photos during visits, ensuring authenticity and providing visual proof. You can restrict the use of uploading photos from the gallery.
  3. Live Tracking: Monitor the movement of your field force in real time, helping to calculate travel claims effortlessly. Again this is viewed in Google maps form and you can see their start and end points, and other stops.
  4. Pre-set Beat Plans: Create and manage detailed daily or weekly schedules for your field agents. These plans can be predefined in Clappia, allowing administrators to assign specific routes, clients, or tasks to each agent. This ensures that all necessary visits are covered efficiently and reduces the chances of overlapping or missed appointments. Additionally, beat plans can be adjusted in real time to accommodate changes in priorities or unexpected circumstances.
  5. QR Code/Barcode Capture: Easily capture QR codes or barcodes during visits for quick data entry if needed.
  6. Automated Communications: Generate and send customized PDFs via Email/WhatsApp/SMS automatically to respective stakeholders or even the clients.
  7. Automated Financial Calculations: Utilize Clappia’s calculation features to automatically compute financial metrics related to loans. This includes calculating the total amount of loans given, payments received, outstanding balances, interest calculations, and more. 
  8. Analytics Dashboards: Draw insights from data with comprehensive analytics dashboards. This can also be embedded into the app or if you require a comprehensive dashboard, you can also integrate with Power BI.
  9. Offline Functionality: Field agents can submit data offline, which syncs automatically when connectivity is restored which is useful for remote locations.
  10. Open APIs for Integration: Seamlessly integrate Clappia with other systems using open APIs to transfer or fetch relevant data.
  11. Inter-App Data Integration: Import and utilize data from other Clappia apps thereby establishing a seamless information ecosystem which improves general efficiency across all fronts.
  12. User Access Permissions: The loan collection apps that you create can be assigned to any field collection executive with various access permissions via phone number or email address to control app access and for security.

Advanced Features for Field Data Collection

Field Data Collection

Clappia has some advanced features that make field collections even better:

  • AI Integration: Use the AI feature to interpret pictures and documents that were taken outside. For example, the AI block can fetch texts from images of documents, verify presence and accuracy of certain items in the uploaded images as well as calculations based on numerical data available in them.
  • Geo-Fencing: Ensure data collection by the field collection executives occurs within designated boundaries, improving compliance and data integrity.
  • Multi-level Approval Workflows: Ensure thorough reviews and approvals with multi-level approval workflows. Notifications are set to remind approvers automatically without manual intervention.
  • Automated Alerts and Notifications: This will involve setting up alerts for different situations to ensure follow-up is done on time thus improving operational efficiency.
  • Integration with Master Databases: Connect with master databases like Customer Master to ensure data consistency. This master database could reside in spreadsheets, a mysql database or even within Clappia itself which would be ideal to have all data and automations within one platform.
  • Custom PDF Generation: Generate customized PDFs which include signatures, photographs, QR codes and detailed reports automatically from the collected data. These are capable of being sent through email or WhatsApp automatically to relevant stakeholders.

Benefits of Using Clappia for Field Data Collection

We have already covered the key features which specify the technical benefits Clappia can offer, however, there are numerous practical benefits for field collections in the lending business. Here are some key advantages:

  • Enhanced Data Accuracy: With real-time data collection, monitoring and verification, there is reduced errors and reliable information assurance. Even if field agents input the wrong data, they can alter it and the same will be reflected for all.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: The automated workflows and offline functionality streamline the collection process by saving time, reducing costs, and effective resource utilization.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Maintain compliance with industry regulations through accurate data tracking and automated workflows again.
  • Scalability: Easily scale your field collection efforts as your business grows, without the need for extensive technical resources. The app can be adapted to grow as the requirements increase.
  • Improved Decision-Making: Use real-time data available and its analytics to make informed decisions that drive business growth and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Better Resource Management: Optimize the allocation and utilization of field agents by tracking their activities, location and performance in real-time.

Creating a Field Collections App with Clappia

Field Data Collection

You can create a variety of apps tailored to specific needs within the field collection process. Here's how you can leverage Clappia for different types of field collections:

Customer MIS and Employee Beat Plan Apps: The integration of a Customer MIS app and an Employee Beat Plan app with a Visit Tracker ensures seamless data flow, consistency and accuracy. This setup helps in managing field visits efficiently, where the field agents can effectively pull up the required up-to-date data from multiple sources within one app itself.

Visit Tracker App Interface: The Visit Tracker app interface can include fields for capturing GPS location, customer details, visit details and collection details. This ensures comprehensive data capture that includes key metrics for loan monitoring.

Mobile App View: Field workers can access the app through the mobile app that functions offline, making it simple to manage their visits. Data captured on the mobile app immediately syncs with the web app and there is no extra setup required for the mobile app nor the offline function.

In Clappia, apart from having a simple app just dedicated to capturing field data, you can also create multiple other apps for other business processes that are related to it. For example, if you wish to maintain a payroll app, or a leave tracker, this will all be based on the field data collection app that you create. Once you create your field data collection app, you can then create these additional apps and integrate them together. It is easier to integrate them when all these apps are within one platform i.e. Clappia. You can use workflows or simply fetch data from other apps and use the information for any other app accordingly.

Field Data Collection
  1. Leave Management System: Create leave management apps that complement the field data collection system that you create in Clappia. Here your employees can check and request for leaves based on their field data, emails can be sent out automatically to managers who can then approve or reject them, and the system automatically updates attendance records to reflect leave days, ensuring accurate tracking and allows employees to redeem their leaves whenever possible.
  2. Project-Based Tracker: In organizations where employees work on multiple projects, a project-based field data tracker can be created while also allowing you to create field data trackers that can be linked to specific projects. This means that employees can check-in and specify the project they're working on, as well as managers can verify the projects are assigned and ongoing as per schedule making project-based field data monitoring seamless.
  3. Task Scheduling App: Create a Task Scheduling App that assigns tasks based on employee availability. This app can be interlinked to the field data collection app and use that data to ensure tasks are allocated to available employees. This saves time in checking which employees are available for the day and taking the time to contact them. This system automates all those steps.
  4. Payroll Management System: Integrate your field data directly with a Payroll Management System. Here you can have automatic calculations to calculate the wages of employees based on their field data, leaves or even if they have shift based work and the rates differ for each shift. This ensures accurate payroll calculations based on actual work hours, reducing errors and streamlining the payroll process.
  5. Performance Review System: Field data can be combined with a Performance Review System, although not the only metric. Tracking the field data and punctuality can be part of the performance evaluation process, providing a comprehensive view of employee performance.
  6. Compliance Monitoring App: Ensure compliance with labor laws and company policies by integrating a Compliance Monitoring App. Automatically track work hours and break times to maintain compliance and avoid legal issues, especially when it comes to overtime.
  7. Training Management System: Create a Training Management System to schedule and track employee training sessions. You can ensure that your employees are meeting their training requirements and that their field data is accurately recorded.
  8. Expense Tracking App: Integrate an Expense Tracking App to manage travel and work-related expenses. Use employee field data and location data to verify and approve any expense claims, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Case Study: Transforming EMI Collections in the Lending Industry with Clappia


A lending company employing over 300 field workers faced challenges in managing EMI collections from customers efficiently. The traditional ways in which they possessed data and tracked their field workers, though time-consuming, proved to be full of errors. Therefore, the company had to come up with an efficient method of streamlining its operations so as to improve its productivity.


Inefficient Data Collection: Manually recording client visits and EMI collections was cumbersome and prone to mistakes.

Lack of Real-time Tracking: There was no effective way to track the field workers locations and movements at any given time.

Manual Follow-ups: Administrators had to manually remind field workers about follow-up visits, through calls, emails/messages or through shared spreadsheets, leading to delays and missed appointments.

Data Visibility: Limited information from field visits made it difficult for administrators to make sound judgments based on what they knew.

Solution with Clappia

Field Data Collection

Clappia offered an all-encompassing solution by designing user-friendly mobile apps for use by the ground staff and web apps for management. The following features were included in these apps:

  1. Customer Master and Employee Beat Plan Integration: The Visit Tracker app linked two master applications – The Customer Master app and Employee Beat Plan App. This allowed uninterrupted flow of information between them thus facilitating coordination.
  2. GPS Location and Camera-enabled Photos: Real-time GPS capture and photos taken by field workers with their mobile’s camera during visits to ensure data gets collected in an accurate manner.
  3. Offline Functionality: The mobile app works offline automatically so field officers were able to input data without the internet. It automatically synchronized their data once they got back online.
  4. Automated Workflows: They set up a reminder workflow that allowed them to receive notifications when there were pending visits and approvals needed, and even for clients who needed to be sent certain documents. Upon completion of a visit, customers were automatically notified via Email/WhatsApp/SMS.
  5. Analytics Dashboard: Through the analytics dashboard provided by Clappia, administrators could draw insights from the visits which would assist them to do more effective planning thereby increasing the productivity of the field collections executives.


The implementation of Clappia's solution led to significant improvements:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: Less time is required for data collection and follow-ups with automation.
  2. Improved Accuracy: Data was accurately collected through real time GPS tracking as well as camera enabled photos.
  3. Better Decision Making: The analytics dashboard provided valuable insights that helped administrators make informed decisions.
  4. Increased Productivity: The streamlined process enabled field agents to manage their visits more effectively, leading to higher productivity.


Field data collection is critical for lending businesses, and Clappia offers a robust solution to streamline and enhance this process. By leveraging Clappia’s no-code platform, you can create custom apps tailored to your specific needs, ensuring accurate data collection, improved efficiency, and enhanced compliance. Sign up for Clappia today and revolutionize your field data collection process.

Whether you’re managing a small team of field agents or a large workforce, Clappia’s solutions are designed to meet your needs and help you stay ahead. Embrace the power of Clappia and transform how you collect and manage field collections in your lending business.


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