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How to Add or Delete Workflows?

You can add custom workflows to your apps which are basically a series of activities that take place in order to achieve a business outcome.

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The first step is to create your app by adding fields in the Design App section. Once that is done you can configure it further in Configuration or go directly to Workflows for automating the app.

Building Workflows

Here are the steps to build Workflows for automation.

Step 1

Select the trigger tab where you want your workflow to run.


Step 2

Click on Start and select your desired Workflow node.

application workflows

Step 3

Select a node and configure it on the Right Panel.

agile workflows

You can add several nodes in series or parallel based on your requirements.

process workflows

Common features of any workflow node:

Step name

Step name refers to the name of the workflow. You can change the name accordingly.

How to add Workflows?

Variable name

Variable name refers to the unique name attributed to each node in the workflow. This is created automatically after you configure and save the workflow node and can be edited. It will appear before the step name.

How to add Workflows?

Parent step

Parent Step is referred to as the First Step from which the workflow starts or initiates. This is used to move workflow nodes around.

How to add Workflows?
Enable this step

By default, all the workflow nodes are turned on and the workflow steps will be executed.

If a node of the workflow is selected and the workflow step is turned off, this means the selected workflow node and the workflow steps below it will not be executed until it is turned back on.

How to add Workflows?

Copying Workflows

Workflows can be copied from one submission flow to another. Since there are three types of flows—New Submission Flow, Edit Submission Flow, and Review Submission Flow—a workflow configured in any of these flows can be copied to another.

To copy a workflow:

Go to the submission flow that contains the workflow you want to copy.

Copying Workflows

Click on the Copy Workflow icon.

Copying Workflows

A right panel will appear. Under Select Workflow Type, choose where you want to copy the workflow.

Copying Workflows

Under Select Parent Node to Copy Workflow Under, select the parent node.

Copying Workflows
Copying Workflows

Click ‘Copy Workflow’ to confirm.

Copying Workflows

All workflow steps will be copied and will fall under the parent workflow node that was selected. Currently, you cannot choose to copy only specific nodes or steps.

Run Workflow Trial

Once the workflow nodes have been added and configured, it can be trial tested to check if it works according with the app submissions.

This is used in case you do not want to disturb any existing submission data that you may have in your app already.

Next to the trigger tab, once workflows are added, a lightning symbol will appear next to it. Click on it to run trials.

application workflows

On the right panel, app fields that have been configured in Design App will appear here. Fill it just like a live app and click on ‘Run Trial Workflow’.

Clappia workflows

Deleting Workflows

Workflow nodes can be deleted individually or along with all their subsequent workflow nodes.

To delete a workflow node:

  1. Click on the node you want to delete.
Deleting Workflows
  1. On the right panel, select either:
Deleting Workflows
  • Delete only this step – This removes only the selected node. Any nodes connected below it will automatically attach to the deleted step’s parent node.
Deleting Workflows
Deleting Workflows
  • Delete this step and all the steps below this step – This removes the selected node and all nodes underneath it.
Deleting Workflows
Deleting Workflows

To confirm deletion, type Delete Workflow Step in the box provided and click on ‘Delete’. Once deleted, workflow nodes cannot be recovered.


1.   You can configure each node with custom contents from the values entered in your app in the form of variables.

Example: Mobile Notification Node

How to add Workflows?

2.  Each and every node has different configurations. Check the Help Guides below to know how to use them.

Approval - Help Guide

Email - Help Guide

Slack - Help Guide

MS Teams - Help Guide

REST API - Help Guide

Mobile Notification - Help Guide

Wait - Help Guide

If - Help Guide

Create Submission - Help Guide

Edit Submission - Help Guide

Delete Submission - Help Guide

Repeat(Loop) - Help Guide

Whatsapp - Help Guide

SMS - Help Guide

Next Step: Add users to your App

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