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Display this field if

This feature is used to display a particular data block with respect to certain conditions applied using the variables of the app.

Conditional logic no code app


Consider an app for recording customer queries. The app contains 5 fields: Name, Address, Select one option and Describe your query (A and B). The dropdown consists of Option A and Option B.

Conditional logic no code app

Now the condition on the describe your query is such that it will be displayed when the corresponding option will be selected.

Display this field if condition for A:

Describe your query for A in brief - @drop_down=’Option A’

Conditional logic no code app

Display this field if condition for B:

Describe your query for B in brief - @drop_down=’Option B’

Conditional logic no code app

This is how the app will be displayed to your user. You can see the field ‘Describe your query’ is hidden.

Conditional logic no code app

When the user selects ‘Option A’, the corresponding ‘Describe your query for A in brief’ will be displayed.

Conditional logic no code app

Similarly for other options as well:

Select Option B - Describe your query for B in brief is displayed.

Conditional logic no code app


Use the SEARCH function/formula when using the Multiple Selector Block.


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